"All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke (1729-97)

Our thoughts and prayers go out to our men and women of the United States Military, who are continuing to fight the good fight for the liberation
and the freedom of those oppressed around the world.
Stay strong.
Never forget. |

DaveDorman.com is dedicated to the fans of Dave Dorman's art. Whether
you love Batman from the comics, Star Wars from the movies, or just
great fantasy action adventure art, you'll find a veritable wealth
of fabulous images and lots of fun at this web site.
This site is underconstruction so this home page is the only one funtioning at this time. Please feel free to check my social media sites listed below for current updates until this site returns. Thank you for your support and interest in my work
Click here to email Dave directly!
Dave's Facebook with the usual Facebook junk
Dave's Twitter with hourly words of wisdom (rolls my eyes)
LinkedIn for you business-type folks out there
A Facebook page for fans of daves art
